Ethical Writing in the Workplace

One of your most important job obligations is to ensure that your writing and behavior are ethical. Being ethical means doing what is right and fair and being honest and just with your employer, co-workers, and customers. Your reputation and character plus your employer’s corporate image will depend on your following an ethical course of action. Note how in Figure 1.11 the Southern Company and its employees are proud of their ethical commitments to the environment, the community, and the country. The Southern Company projects an image of itself as being concerned about and dedicated to following the highest corporate ethical goals.

Many of the most significant phrases in the world of business reflect an ethical commitment to
honesty and fairness: accountability, public trust, equal opportunity employer, core values, global citizenship, good faith effort, truth in lending, fair play, honest advertising, full disclosure, high professional standards, industry standards, fair trade, community involvement, and social responsibility.

Unethical business dealings, on the other hand, are stigmatized in cover-ups, shady deals, spin doctors, foul play, bid rigging, employee raiding, misrepresentations, kickbacks, hostile takeovers, planned obsolescence, price gouging, bias, and unfair advantage. Those are the activities that make customers angry and that Better Business Bureaus investigate.

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